Former Federal Prosecutor Said Trump Will Likely Have Two Options For A Plea Deal — Admit His Guilt In Court Or Risk “20 Years In Custody”

You don't have great options, buddy.

632 points

United States history was once again made after DOJ-appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team formally indicted scandal-plagued ex-President Donald Trump on multiple charges related to the infamous stolen document scandal. This brutal indictment serves as the former president’s 2nd official indictment in a number of weeks, and his first formal indictment on federal charges stemming from the US Department of Justice.

Smith, on behalf of the Biden DOJ, has been investigating the former president for his role in inciting the January 6th Capitol insurrection, his attempt to overthrow the 2020 presidential election after his loss to Joe Biden, and the infamous stolen Mar-a-Lago document scandal, in which Donald Trump stole classified government documents at the end of his presidency, relocated the material to his Palm Beach compound, where he hid them, lied about his possession of the materials, and repeatedly refused to comply with government requests and subpoenas for their return.

Just a few days prior to this formal federal indictment, Donald Trump’s attorneys were spotted entering the US Justice Department for a meeting with the Smith prosecutorial team, leading many to correctly assume that charges were on the horizon. At that time, former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance offered up her analysis on what a Trump plea deal would likely look like, and according to her, it would involve one of the worst things in the world for the big guy — admitting he’s guilty, or face decades in the slammer.

Vance took to Twitter with her analysis of the possible plea deal for the scandal-ridden former president, as he faces down federal criminal charges for the first time in American history.

“The smart move here for Trump is a guilty plea to a misdemeanor if DOJ will offer one & a felony with no jail time if they won’t. I discuss prior precedent & how it informs DOJ’s charging decisions here,” Vance wrote earlier this week.

The former federal prosecutor further explained in her 5-part thread:

For those who dislike these possible outcomes (I would number myself in that group), it’s nonetheless important to understand the prior precedent that will shape DOJ’s charging decisions & any plea offers in this matter. This is Trump’s best possible outcome, not the country’s. … simply put, unlike the CIA Directors who escaped with misdemeanor pleas & no jail time, Trump’s conduct as POTUS, flagrant disregard for nat’l security & clear obstruction mandates a different outcome here.

Trump seems incapable of saying he’s done anything wrong. To plead, he’d have to say under oath in open court that he was guilty. It’ll be interesting to see if he can do that, or would rather run the risk of being convicted of felonies that carry up to 20 years in custody.”

It’s finally time for Trump to face the music.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
