Former GOP Columnist Apologizes To Obama After Trump Lets Him Down: “I would take Obama back in a nanosecond”

Sooner or later, all Trump supporters will have to admit this to themselves.

605 points

Donald Trump has let the entire country down. While the majority of America did not have high expectations for him to begin with, what we’ve gotten has been even more disappointing than we could have predicted. In the wake of investigations, scandals, trade wars, failed policies, and humiliating summits, even Republicans have been turning their backs on Trump.

A letter from the latest GOPer to go against Trump is make its rounds, and for good reason. Former Republican Max Boot spent the entire 8 years of Barack Obama’s presidency trashing him. Working as a conservative columnist and a former aid to John McCain and Mitt Romney, Boot’s voice was prominent in the Republican Party, but now he’s switching gears.

Boot now works for the Washington Post and is now voicing his displeasure with America’s current Commander in Chief. While Boot was never wild about Trump, he expressed hope in an article after the election that he thought Trump “might not be so bad” as POTUS. Now he’s saying the exact opposite. Making a full apology to Obama, Boot wrote:

Now I would take Obama back in a nanosecond. His presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned. All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor. And his strengths — seriousness, dignity, intellect, probity, dedication to ideals larger than self — shine all the more clearly in retrospect.”

And it gets worse for Trump and his base — Boot actually said he cried while watching a speech by Trump’s predecessor:

It can be depressing to think about our current predicament under a president whose loyalty to America is suspect but whose racism and xenophobia are undoubted. However, Obama’s speech gave me a glimmer of optimism… we had a president with whom I could disagree without ever doubting his fitness to lead. We can have one again.”

How are Republicans going to defend Trump now? More and more longtime conservatives continue to jump ship because of Trump. Soon, there will be nothing left of the party if they can’t change this around by midterms.

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