Fox News Host Appeared To Get Irritated With A 6th Grader Guest For Criticizing Trump And Saying President Biden Is Doing A Good Job

From the mouths of babes.

625 points

It seems Fox New network may be struggling to find guests who agree with them these days.

It wasn’t long ago at all we reported on Fox host Jeanine Pirro getting her knickers in a twist over a guest who came on her show and heaped praises on President Joe Biden. She was so aggravated, in fact, that she abruptly ended her segment early, because apparently she just couldn’t handle being trolled by an educated adult. And now, it seems as though it’s another host’s turn; though this time, it wasn’t a grown-up that put them in their place, it was a 6th grader.

Fox News talking head, Brian Kilmeade, recently sat down for a segment with a group of kids, (actual kids in the 6th grade, not Tucker Carlson-style, 16-year-old “little kids”) and one middle schooler owned the Conservative host when he criticized their golden boy Donald Trump and praised President Biden for the job well done in just the first few months of his presidency — a move that seemed to really irritate the grown ass adult hosting the show.

Kilmeade kicked off the segment by getting the group of kids to talk about school; what they miss most and when they think they’ll be able to get back into the classroom. One boy took it upon himself to answer Kilmeade’s question, talking about the things he missed most about going to school before he turned to the topic of how quickly he feels they’ll be back in a “normal” classroom setting. And that’s when things took a turn that the host didn’t seem to expect.

“I think that we’re very, very close to getting back in school,” the kiddo said. “And I think that the way that our new President is handling things is a very good way and we would not have gotten to this if it were still the last President.”

“Really?” Kilmeade responded with what appeared to be a look of surprise and discomfort all over his face. “That’s hard to believe. Because the last president was saying I want every kid back in school.” He then quickly switched to a different kid.

Take a look:

Sorry, Brian. But even kids know how full of shit you are.

Featured image via screen capture 

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