Fox News Host Reveals Information About Mueller Report That The Public Does Not Know, Congress Should Be Furious

There's much more to this report...

603 points

Donald Trump and his team may be celebrating now about how he’s been “cleared” of any collusion charges as far as Russia and his election goes, but it turns out that there’s a lot more – WAY more – that we still don’t know.

Fox News host and legal analyst Judge Napolitano has sounded the alarm that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a whopping SEVEN HUNDRED pages long. In the very same breath, the Fox News host also reported that Mueller’s report “undoubtedly” proves conspiracy and obstruction.

No one knows just how Napolitano has gotten a hold of this information, and honestly Congress should be furious that he knows this before they do. This is what he told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto:

In the 700 page summary of the 2 million pages of raw evidence there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice. Just not enough evidence.

So once the 700 pages comes out, and this is my criticism of the Attorney General, he shouldn’t have even tipped his hands on this… the Democrats will have and other Trump opponents will have a field day with what is in there. If there were no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction the attorney general would have told us so — he didn’t.”

Looks like the verdict on this report is far from over. Sorry, Trump!

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