Fox News Loses It With Trump, Cuts Away From His Live Press Conference After He Starts Ranting Incoherently

What is wrong with him?!

597 points

It’s no secret that Donald Trump’s mental health has seriously been questioned lately. More and more often he is rambling about nonsense, becoming confused, and even forgetting simple words.

Even Trump’s beloved Fox News Network took notice of this today when they abruptly cut away from a press conference being held by POTUS in San Antonio, TX after Donald began disjointedly raving about trucks and fences.

“If we had the wall, the good people will not be able — you’ll see them on the other side of the wall,” Trump began, “Number one, they won’t come, because they’ll say there’s no way of getting through. Right now they think there’s a way to get through. And the people back home never hear about that, they start to walk. They think Houston’s half a mile away, but it’s 300 miles. It’s desert.”

A seemingly stunned Trump continued, “This is a vast state, it’s a vast area. You look at it, the state’s tremendous. I come from New York. You have Fifth Avenue and that connects you to Park Avenue, it’s not too far away, but this is hundreds of miles between places.”

Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue do not connect, in fact, but run parallel to one another on Manhattan’s Upper East Side — a pretty shocking thing for Trump to get wrong.

After one of Trump’s guests described his experience with several strange men dressed in black showing up on his front porch one day, Donald veered into incoherence.

“They’re very expensive fences, but they don’t want to go through the process of going through the fences, so, again, they wait until the fence is open, the gate is open. They wait at the gate and they kill people,” Trump blathered on. “They want to take the truck, a lot of times they don’t even want to go to the house, they want to steal the truck. So you always go to the gate in doubles.”

“It’s been going on for many years, it’s coming up, I’m bringing it out,” his diatribe continued. “And these people are coming into our country, some are dying during the walk. Many of those people I’ll bet are very good people, but some are dying during the walk. Many, many have died. That is what surprised me.”

Fox News quickly cut back to the studio where host Dana Perino tried to do damage control saying, “Okay, you’ve been watching the president down there in Texas doing something I think is smart.”

Great save there, Perino. ‘Cause the whole nation didn’t just seem him acting a fool for the umpteenth time.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 
