Fox News Reporter Does The Unthinkable, Makes Trump Admit His Border Wall Won’t Work

Fox News just pissed off its viewers!

579 points

Fox News has really been disappointing its viewers over the last several weeks. Not only have its hosts stopped pretending that Donald Trump is a good president (or even a decent one), but they’re actually starting to act like real reporters and doing their jobs, holding the president accountable.

One such perfect example happened recently when a Fox News reporter made Trump admit that his racist border wall would be completely ineffective. As the president has been fear-mongering left and right about the “caravans” full of terrorists and criminals for weeks, you can only imagine how embarrassing it is for the president to say that the wall he shut the government down over would not keep immigrants out at all.

This beautiful moment happened during a press gathering in the Oval office, where Fox News reporter John Roberts told Trump that his wall wouldn’t stop migrants from coming into the United States. Roberts also said that Trump’s precious wall couldn’t even be built on the real border because it’s in the middle of the Rio Grande. Roberts said:

There are all these tens of thousands of Central American migrants who just want to touch foot on U.S. soil and wait for the border patrol to pick them up. How does building the new wall solve that?”

And Trump actually admitted the flaws in his quest to build the wall. Trump said:

You are right. Touch the land, all of the sudden it’s a catch-and-release deal. They go into the country, and in some cases, if they are criminals, they are released into our country. It’s a ridiculous thing.”

You can watch the video below:

By the way, Trump shouldn’t get any credit for admitting defeat because he also told a lie. The United States does not release criminals that have crossed the border into America.

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