Fox News Sends Trump A Brutal Message, Tells Him He Can’t Actually Shut Down The Border

This is gonna HURT!

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Donald Trump went off the rails this morning about how he was going to shut down the border in one of his unhinged rants on Twitter. In response to his dwindling support, the racist Tweeter in Chief posted this nonsense to try to ramp up demand for his disgraced border wall:

Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!”

Trump apparently still believes he’s a king and can do whatever the hell he wants — because even pro-Trump Fox News didn’t shy away from correcting the president and reminding him that he “cannot legally” shut down the border.

In a segment with Fox News host Sandra Smith, Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano gave Trump a brutal reality check and reminded him that there are actually rules that he has to follow. During the segment, Smith asked Napolitano:

The big question is because we keep hearing this from the president, the threat to shut down the southern border permanently, can he do that?”

What the former judge responded with is going to destroy Trump’s week:

He cannot legally do it. We know that because of federal statutes… They were last revised in 1986 when our relationship with migrants coming north was very different than it is now. That’s the law as he finds it. That’s the law as he is required to enforce it. That’s the law that the federal judge in San Francisco that the president attempted to disparage by calling him an ‘Obama judge’ told him he had to enforce as well.”

And it got worse for the president. Napolitano made note that migrants “escaping a government pursuing you or escaping a government failing to enforce basic law and order” are actually allowed to enter the United States. Napolitano continued to lay down the bad news:

The president doesn’t want to hear this but it’s the law. Anywhere you want. You are then to be brought in the U.S. Back to the port where you should have entered and processed there.”

The fact that this message is coming from Fox News is hilarious and a clear sign that Trump is losing his only fanbase left. You can watch the segment below:

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