Insider Who Worked With Trump On The Apprentice Says POTUS Uses Adult Diapers Due To Years Of Substance Abuse

So, he's incompetent AND incontinent!

600 points

It’s long been speculated that Donald Trump’s mind is quickly turning to mush — most likely from a heady (and ever-worsening) combination of dementia and regular substance abuse.

Over the past nearly three years, Trump has exhibited multiple different signs and symptoms of rapidly declining mental health. It’s long been reported that Donald has a serious issue with controlled substances such as Adderall and you add that to the plethora of mental health and medical professionals who have warned of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia in the man — and, well, here we are.

Up to this point, his most prominent indicators of a severe addiction has simply been the way he talks and behaves. He’s been caught on multiple occasions slurring his words, sometimes nearly beyond comprehension, stuttering and stumbling through speeches, becoming easily tripped up on common phrases, fidgeting erratically, and even sweating profusely in inappropriate situations.

But according to a new revelation from a former Celebrity Apprentice staffer, Trump’s comprehension and ability to stand still longer than a 5-year-old hasn’t been the only thing affected by his alleged drug use and overall mental decline.

Breaking his NDA, the former reality TV show talent handler turned stand up comic, Noel Casler, revealed that Donald is a “speed freak” who regularly snorts the stimulant drug Adderall and has been known to invite teen beauty pageant participants up to his room for what we can only imagine were some unsavory and illegal activities.

Of course, this is something we pretty much already knew. However, Casler dropped one hell of a bombshell on us all when he went on to allege that Donald actually wears adult diapers.

“Anyone who thinks I’m joking about Trump wearing Depends should watch this vid…I’m not, it was a known fact on ‘Apprentice’ he is incontinent from all the years of stimulant abuse and fast food. Right Don?” Casler stated in a tweet.

According to the former Trump insider, Donnie has been donning the big boy pull-ups since 2007:

He even claims that they often had to stall tapings on The Apprentice whenever Donald had an “accident.”

Now, so far Casler has been the only one to make this claim. However, as someone that worked in the medical field for 5 years before I decided to make my living by exposing Trump and his cronies, that dude is wearing a diaper in that video.

There’s something bad going on in those pants, and it’s not anywhere close to what he wants you to believe it is.

Featured image via screen capture

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