Intel Expert Sounds Alarm On Manafort Sentencing Memo, Warns Mueller Has Big Plans For Final Report

This could be the end for Trump.

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Donald Trump has been trying to do everything he can to shut down Robert Mueller’s report and lately there has been speculation about when this report will be released and whether or not it will be made public. But according to an intel expert, this report is going to deliver a bombshell and there’s nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Earlier today, Mueller’s prosecutors released a sentencing memo for former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and national security and intelligence journalist Marcy Wheeler believes it means the report for Mueller’s investigation will be released publicly. By looking at what was not included in Manafort’s memo, Wheeler believes it signifies that there’s more to come and that even Trump’s new acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker isn’t going to stop it.

Wheeler stated that with every indictment, Mueller had been making his report public – but this time it was different. She stated:

Back in December, I noted that at each step of his investigation, Mueller has chosen to submit far more details into the public record than necessary, effectively issuing a report of his work along the way.”

Wheeler also pointed out that Mueller chose to keep certain details out of Manafort’s sentencing memo:

Compare the decision to keep that stuff secret with what Mueller did in the George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn, Michael Cohen, and draft Jerome Corsi pleas, and Roger Stone’s indictment. In each of the other accusations of lying, Mueller laid out juicy details that pointed to key details of the investigation. Here, in a case where they legitimately considered charging Manafort with more false statements charges, they chose to keep precisely the kind of stuff they had disclosed in other false statements accusations secret.”

And by choosing to leave the record where it stands — by choosing not to describe what the evidence shows regarding that August 2 meeting in this sentencing memo — Mueller has deviated from the approach he has taken in every other instance (including this one, as it pertains to Manafort’s Ukrainian lobbying) where he had an opportunity to provide a speaking document.”

According to Wheeler, Mueller’s choice to leave out the juicy details could be really bad news for Trump:

If Mueller believed he could not present a substantive final report now, he could have presented those details in unredacted form. That leads me to believe he’s certain he will be able to provide a report in some public form, presumably in the same kind of detail he has presented in all his other statements.”

We can only hope that Wheeler is right. You can read her report here.

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