Internet Responds To Melania’s Tweet About Purple Heart Day: “You Don’t Know Squat About Service And Sacrifice”

Well, she made a big mistake!

584 points

Yesterday was Purple Heart Day — a day in our country to “commemorate the creation of the oldest American military decoration for military merit.”

The Purple Heart Medal is a highly prestigious military decoration, specifically a combat decoration, only awarded to members of the United States Armed Forces who were “wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy” or given to the next of kin on the person’s name if they were killed in action or succumbed to their injuries received in action.

It’s reserved the likes of war heroes such as former President John F. Kennedy, late Senator John McCain, and former Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It’s an award reserved for bravery and valor in the face of injury or even death — which is certainly something that Captain Bonespurs would know absolutely nothing about.

However, her husband’s draft-dodging abilities did nothing to stop Melania Trump from tweeting a video yesterday about Purple Heart Day, in which she’s seen interacting with wounded veterans and distributing Purple Heart Awards.

And of course, the fact that she was lucky enough to be the woman that Donald Trump picked out of the catalog when he decided to try buying a wife this time, did absolutely nothing to prevent throngs of Twitter users from giving her of piece of their mind when it comes to her getting two cents on the American Armed Forces or anything at all that has to do with it.

To say the least, they were very quick to remind her that she didn’t deserve to so much as open her mouth on the subject after her sugar daddy turned hubby bought his way out of the service with a phony diagnosis and his daddy’s money:

For future reference, Mrs. Trump III, there is nothing nice you can put on Twitter that your husband isn’t the antithesis of. Best if you just stayed away from it.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery 

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