Jared Kushner’s Father Allegedly Admitted To A Personal Friend That Trump’s Deranged Behavior Was “Beyond Our Control”

Well, well, well...

611 points

This nation began to truly crumble before our very eyes the day that pro-Trump protesters and insurrectionists literally stormed and defamed the United States Capitol building all because they were still mad that their candidate didn’t win.

Both branches of Congress convened on that fateful day, presided over by then-outgoing Vice President Mike Pence, to carry out the time-honored tradition of certifying the Electoral Votes that made Joe Biden President-elect of the United States of America. But instead of being allowed to carry out their Congressional, American duties, Congresspeople of both parties were forced to shelter in place and evacuate from the Capitol due to violent demonstrators (domestic terrorists, if you ask me) who breeched and invaded the building — where they went on to break into various offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate President/Vice President Mike Pence, loot and steal various Capitol belongings and shoot and kill one individual involved in the protests.

All of which Donald Trump ultimately offered little more than a milquetoast, useless “denouncement” of while he continued to tout the conspiracy theory narratives that brought them all there in the first place — ultimately earning himself a series of removed tweets and a ban from his favorite social media platform.

As those events carried on, more and more talk of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would have allowed Pence to remove Donald Trump from the power of the presidency and carry out the remainder of the job himself, swirled around, with many reports indicating at the time that it was something being heavily considered by Trump’s cabinet members, and Democrats in the House had already called on the VP to do.

The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump proved time and time again that he was not mentally fit to serve as the President of these United States and that fateful day’s happenings were essentially a crescendo of such. And according to a report from the New York Times, those closest to the then-outgoing, now former president have known as much for some time now — to the point that it’s out of control.

According to the report, Jared Kushner’s father, Ivanka Trump’s father-in-law, Charles Kushner, allegedly sent an email to longtime Kushner family friend, Bob Sommer, in which he admitted that Donald’s behavior was “beyond our control.”

Sommer had allegedly gone off on Kushner in an email, saying, “I’ve texted Jared as well,” before calling on his former client to “get Trump to be an American” instead of an “expletive.”

In response to Sommer’s email. Mr. Kushner did not dispute the characterization of Trump, only responding back with, “Got it and beyond our control.”

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In addition to his message to Charles Kushner, Sommer also allegedly sent a text to Ivanka Trump in reference to a tweet she sent out and then deleted on the day of the riot, in which she appeared to call the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol “American patriots.” The Times reports that Mr. Sommer told Donald’s daughter that he was “horrified I attended your wedding.” The report notes that Ivanka did not respond to the message.

You can read the full report here.

Featured image via Flickr/The White House 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
