JD Vance Attempts To Describe His Wife’s Indian Heritage And It’s Just Bad

This is so bad.

568 points

The phrase “speaking the quiet part out loud” has become a cliche but J.D. Vance still does it anyway and generally speaks the wrong part out loud at the same time. He’s uttered scores of clueless remarks about his wife, Usha, whose parents are from India although she was born in San Diego, California. In a recent interview, he said something that’s as dumb as anything else he’s said about his wife and it’s bound to become another classic.

Dumb as in:

“My wife and I talk about this all the time–her parents, born and raised in south India, they moved to San Diego a couple of years just before she was born. So she was born and raised in San Diego, right? Okay, so she is Indian American, but she’s like the most assimilated–she’s like, fundamentally, she’s American.”

“Assimilated” and fundamentally American. Got it.

Let’s get one thing clear: She wasn’t “assimilated” here. She was BORN here. Which makes her an American, no bones about it. And “fundamentally?” C’mon. Vocabulary.com defines fundamentally as: “Anything fundamental has to do with the foundation or bare bones of something. Similarly, anything described fundamentally is getting down to the essence.”

Vance’s comment is stupid with a side order of ridiculous.

Fortunately, PatriotTakes caught Vance’s weird remark so that we can all embarrass him with it.

“JD Vance described his wife of Indian heritage, who was born in San Diego, as ‘the most assimilated’ and ‘fundamentally …an American.'”

Keep in mind, this is the dude who’s Donald Trump’s running mate. If Trump wins we’re stuck with him and Vance. Lucky us. He doesn’t even know that even if your parents are immigrants but you’re born in America that makes you an actual American? At least for the time being–until Trump gets in office and destroys that?

@manningpride was also incredulous here.

“Fundamentally? She was fkn born here, she’s an American! Wtf”

@downunder045 wrote:

“Except Charlie Kirk and his maga base describe Vance’s wife as being a “Brown”

“Its horrific racist stuff”

“How would your maga buddies react if they saw this photo JD ??”

@Jenpocalypse17 noted:

“It’s like he’s apologizing for her existence.”

@World_in_Common remarked:

“Absolutely no one was questioning her heritage or citizenship. This apparently is living rent free in his head.”

As soon as Vice President Kamala Harris announced she was running for president, there was a considerable amount of hoo-hah over her Indian-American and Afro-Jamaican heritage. People are still firing racist comments at her. The sad fact is that when it comes to racism, the U.S. never really seems to change. Despite all the promises of change when Barack Obama ran for president.

Perhaps the best way to put it is like this: The country is still fundamentally racist at its core. There’s the proper way to use that word.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery.

Megan Hamilton
Megan Colleen Hamilton was born and raised on progressive politics and she has long fought for liberal causes. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, parts of Mexico, and now Central America. Her travels have further informed her progressive beliefs in these troubled times. She is currently owned by 10 cats, two dogs, and one naughty rabbit. She actually is one of those “childless cat ladies.”
