JD Vance Gets Called A ‘Weirdo’ After TMZ Got Photos Of Him Going Into Pool With Shirt On

He's so insecure about himself; of course that explains his position on women.

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DISCLAIMER: This article was published on September 9, 2024

Ohio Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance made waves, quite literally, when photos emerged of him swimming with his shirt on at a luxury La Jolla hotel pool. TMZ, known for catching celebrities and public figures in odd moments, snapped photos of Vance entering the pool with his shirt still on, sparking immediate reactions across social media. Many users were quick to label the moment as “weird,” with one commenter bluntly calling Vance a “weirdo.”

Vance, currently campaigning as part of the Republican ticket, was staying at the luxury hotel while attending events in Southern California. According to the TMZ report, he was surrounded by Secret Service agents and had the pool to himself, underscoring his current high-profile status. However, what stood out most to observers wasn’t his security detail, but his decision to forgo typical swimwear etiquette and jump into the pool fully clothed.

A Viral Moment

Once the photos hit TMZ, the internet did what it does best—overanalyze and meme-ify the incident. The reaction ranged from light-hearted jokes to more serious critiques, with some questioning whether this latest moment added to an ongoing perception that Vance is socially awkward.

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This isn’t the first time Vance has been caught in an odd or unusual moment. In fact, there have been several instances over the past few years where the senator has found himself the subject of public scrutiny for behavior that many considered odd or out of place.

The Donut Shop Disaster

Another notable example of Vance’s odd public appearances occurred at a campaign stop in a Georgia donut shop, where he awkwardly ordered a “whatever works” donut. The uncomfortable exchange went viral, with Vance later attempting to hand out root beer floats at a different stop in an effort to connect with voters. As we covered, the result was yet another “cringe-worthy” moment. Critics commented that the GOP’s continuous efforts to stage food-related photo ops for Vance only made him appear more out of touch.

The Infamous Fist Bump

During a United Auto Workers (UAW) picket line in Toledo, Vance made headlines for an incredibly awkward attempt at a fist bump with Democratic representative Marcy Kaptur. As we previously wrote, Vance’s attempt to engage with the crowd fell flat when Kaptur appeared confused by the gesture, leaving Vance standing awkwardly with his fist extended. The moment quickly went viral, with many on social media describing the exchange as “cringey” and “out of place.”

The ‘What Makes You Smile?’ Gaffe

One of Vance’s strangest moments came during an interview when a reporter asked him a simple question: “What makes you smile?” Instead of answering with something relatable, Vance became defensive, offering a vague, uncomfortable answer. As we documented, Vance’s response led to widespread mockery on social media. One commentator quipped, “How hard would it have been to say ‘my kids’?” This small but telling moment only added to the narrative of Vance as socially awkward and out of touch.

The Dog Walking Incident

Vance’s awkward public moments even extend to his interactions with his own dog. As we reported, a video of Vance walking his dog ignited a flurry of comments, with many users questioning whether Vance had ever walked a dog before. His awkward handling of the leash prompted one viewer to comment, “That probably isn’t even his dog… I’d bet it’s a rental.” This seemingly minor incident nonetheless contributed to the ongoing perception that Vance struggles to connect with ordinary life’s most basic moments.

Vance’s Public Persona: A Liability?

While some may argue that these moments are trivial, they collectively paint a picture of a candidate who struggles to connect with the public in a meaningful way. From his poolside antics to his awkward public appearances, Vance’s persona seems increasingly at odds with the expectations placed on a Vice-Presidential candidate. Whether these moments will affect his campaign remains to be seen, but for now, they continue to serve as fodder for both media outlets and internet humor alike.

In the world of modern politics, where public perception can make or break a campaign, Vance’s series of odd moments may ultimately be more harmful than they appear at first glance. His supporters may argue that these incidents are mere distractions, but for his critics, they add to a growing list of reasons why he might not be the right choice for higher office.

The ‘Shirt-On’ Incident Adds to the List

While Vance’s decision to swim with a shirt on may not seem like a major controversy in itself, it fits a larger pattern of behavior that many have deemed eccentric or just plain odd. Political candidates are often scrutinized for their every move, and moments like this one can easily be blown out of proportion. However, for a candidate who is trying to position himself as a relatable, down-to-earth figure, these weird moments could risk undercutting that message.

His defenders, meanwhile, are quick to brush off incidents like these as irrelevant distractions, arguing that the focus should be on his policies rather than his personal quirks. “J.D. Vance is a serious candidate with serious ideas,” one supporter commented on social media, “Who cares if he swims with his shirt on?”

Despite this defense, the photos of Vance at the La Jolla pool will likely continue to circulate online, adding yet another chapter to the growing list of “weird” J.D. Vance moments. Whether these incidents will have any impact on his political future remains to be seen, but for now, they serve as fodder for internet humor and media speculation alike.

Featured image via AI + Public Domain (that’s not his real body)

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
