Jen Psaki Is Clearly Tired Of Peter Doocy’s Nonsense, Puts Fox Reporter In His Place After He Implied President Biden Is Too Sick To Work Today

That didn't work out so well for Peter.

636 points

Listen, I am the first one to say that COVID-19 is still a very big problem. We are not out of the woods, by any means. Far from it, actually. Every single day, more people die, more people refuse to get vaccinated, and new variants are just around the corner. And the worst of it, as we get into the winter months, is still likely yet to come. If ever there were a time to be diligent about social distancing, vaccination, masking up, and making sure you’re staying on top of hygiene — it’s not.

However, with two years of this pandemic under our belt now, it can sometimes be difficult to remember this little fact — sicknesses other than coronavirus STILL EXIST. 

People, just because COVID-19 is still such a MASSIVE issue, doesn’t mean that the flu, bronchitis, upper respiratory and sinus infections, and the common cold just went the way of the Dodo Bird. They’re all still out there, and they’re all still just as prevalent as they always were.

During today’s press briefing Jen Psaki was forced to remind, you guessed it, Fox News’ Peter Doocy of that fact when he made yet another failed attempt at a “gotcha” moment as he tried to imply that President Biden was too sick to work today, he’s not following the COVID protocol he preaches, and even suggested he’s had multiple false-negative COVID tests this week all because… He thought the president sounded a little funny earlier today.

The Biden White House, in all their transparent glory, made it known early today that the president has been grappling with a bit of nasal congestion as a result of a mild cold that he’s been treating with your standard, over-the-counter cold medication. They clearly noted that President Biden was properly testing for COVID-19 on 3 separate occasions this week, and every single one of them came back negative.

But apparently, that wasn’t enough for Peter Doocy.

“A lot of people in the workforce are encouraged not to go to work if they are exhibiting those symptoms, even if they are fully vaccinated,” Doocy smugly stated during today’s presser. “Are the rules different for the president?”

Psaki was not here for it today, like most other days, and was quick to respond by citing the numerous COVID tests President Biden was subjected to this week, as well as the White House’s transparency regarding the President’s head cold, clearly covered in a thorough evaluation by his doctor.

“He had a cold, which is what you know from the information put out by the doctor,” she fired back.

But Peter wouldn’t give it up, going on to ask the press secretary if it were possible that all THREE of the president’s COVID-19 tests produced false-negative results.

“I can assure you that the president is following every protocol,” Psaki clearly responded. “He wants to keep everyone safe in the White House and that’s why he consulted with the doctor.”

But nice try, Peter.

You can watch the clip here:

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