Lara Trump Seemingly Scrambles To Change The Subject When Confronted With Jack Smith Filing On CNN

She is deflecting.

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During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of Donald Trump and a prominent Republican National Committee official, dodged a critical question regarding a bombshell filing from special counsel Jack Smith. The filing presents a strong case suggesting that Donald Trump broke the law in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Host Dana Bash asked about the disturbing revelation that during the January 6th Capitol riots, when Vice President Mike Pence’s life was at risk, Trump allegedly responded with a chilling, “So what?” Instead of addressing this alarming claim, Lara Trump embarked on a well-practiced diversion, opting to steer the conversation far from the damning question posed.

Eric Trump’s wife deflected by arguing that Americans no longer care about the 2020 election, a claim that sounds increasingly disconnected from reality, especially as Trump faces multiple indictments over his efforts to subvert democracy. “I think that this is a ridiculous ploy,” Lara Trump responded, dismissing the significant legal filings as a pre-election strategy. She further claimed that the January 6th insurrection has been exaggerated, brushing off the deadly attack on the Capitol and downplaying Trump’s role in the chaos.

In a transparent attempt to shift focus, Lara Trump ranted about issues such as high gas prices and the economic struggles Americans face, as if these somehow justify ignoring an unprecedented attack on the heart of American democracy. Bizarrely, she even referenced skyrocketing dog and cat euthanasia rates, as if these non-sequiturs should distract the public from the fact that Donald Trump allegedly showed a stunning disregard for his vice president’s life.

But Lara’s evasion of the core issue—Trump’s reckless endangerment of Mike Pence during the violent insurrection—is telling. Instead of addressing the truth, she doubled down on the far-right tactic of gaslighting the American public. Her strategy is clear: dismiss any serious concerns about democracy and human life, and instead whip up fear around other topics like the economy or obscure concerns about pet euthanasia, all to avoid accountability for her father-in-law’s actions.

As Trump continues to campaign for the presidency in 2024, this calculated avoidance of hard truths and the insidious defense of his actions only highlights the danger he still poses to the country. Americans deserve answers, not a constant diversion away from the ugly reality of January 6th. But, as Sunday’s interview made painfully clear, the Trump camp has no intention of offering anything but distraction and denial.

Watch the exchange below:

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Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here:
