Latest Poll Predicts Insane Midterm Election Results, GOP In Crisis Mode

This could change everything.

568 points

President Donald Trump is putting on a confident front ahead of midterm elections, but the data is already looking extremely bad for the Republican Party — devastating in fact!

Proving that Americans are tired of corruption, horrible leadership, a complete lack of action, inhumane policies, and rich old white men lining their pockets, voters are gearing up to give the GOP a brutal reality check in November.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has just released data that shows that Democrats, Latinos, and African Americans are more excited about the midterm elections and voting than Republicans are – which could translate into some VERY big results and a shift in government. Just check this screenshot out:

These are three major groups that Republicans need to fear. Mark Murray of NBC News spoke about all the voter enthusiasm, which should terrify Republicans. He said:

The highlight is the unprecedented enthusiasm. 65% of all voters have high interest in the upcoming midterm elections. We have never seen that for any other midterm cycle for our poll dating all the way back to the 2016 midterm cycle. You end up seeing 72% of Democrats having high interest. 68% of Republicans high interest. But also what’s very notable is you end up having Latinos, women and younger voters with much higher enthusiasm and interest in the election than in our previous surveys this year.

And what’s really interesting about that higher interest from Latinos, women, and millennials is it translates to a lead on the congressional preference, having a 50% to 51% lead. Among likely voters, it’s 8. What stands out is that normally in midterm election environments, you end up having Republicans with the edge among likely voters. Their voters, the ones who traditionally go to the polls. A lot of the parts of the Democratic voters don’t. Our poll shows Democrats having the edge in the likely voter model.”

This is major, and we can’t wait to see what happens in November. Check out the video below:

Featured image via screen capture
