Mary Trump Just Revealed What She Thinks Is The Real Reason Her Uncle Refuses To Accept Biden’s Win, With A Glimpse Inside The Trump Family, And It Makes Perfect Sense

She has a point.

657 points

Mary Trump, a psychologist, knows her uncle’s mindset very well. Former President Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist, and everyone around him suffers from narcissistic abuse. You don’t need to be in the mental health field to see that. It’s just extremely obvious. On Saturday, during an appearance on CNN, Mary Trump was asked by host Jim Acosta “what is it about Trump that inspires this absurd and self-destructive level of loyalty?”

Mary Trump said that it’s “complicated,” but there are some “simple reasons.” She said that “Donald is very good at attracting people who are weaker than he is.” She compared his most ardent sycophants to people addicted to nicotine.

After being defeated by President Joe Biden in the popular and electoral votes, Trump “had to deny that reality immediately, and the best way to do that would be to double down on the lie that it was stolen from him, that he’s really a winner.”

“But the real danger here is that he’s continuing to be allowed to say these things,” she said in response to a clip of Trump once again saying that his former vice president should have “sent those crooked votes back to the legislatures,” instead of certifying the election which was his Constitutional duty.

“The only person who should have been quote-unquote mortally wounded by what’s happened over the last few months is Donald’s political future,” Mary Trump said. “And yet we find ourselves at this point where American democracy is on the brink because over the course of five decades, one repellant, temper-tantrum-throwing bully has never been held accountable for any of the awful things he’s done, including his numerous crimes against America. And now it seems the racism, the anti-semitism, the lying, are compulsory if you want to run for office as a Republican.”

She also had a warning about her vengeful uncle.

“If our system can’t respond swiftly to the threats this very weak and vengeful person continues to pose to the future of American democracy, then I’m afraid we might be irrevocably broken, so I really do hope that steps are being taken — real steps — to do something to stop him and hold him accountable finally,” she said.

Mary predicted that her uncle will make a presidential run in 2024 “if he’s allowed” to since “he needs the power and protection of the Oval Office to keep him out of the massive amounts of trouble he’s facing.”

“However, the real question should be, why is he being allowed even to consider it?” she asked.


The lady has a point.

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