Melania Just Commented On Black History Month And People Were Not Having It: “How Are The Kids In The Cages Doing?”

She should have sat this one out.

605 points

Melania Trump is married to a “man” who thinks African-American athletes who take a knee in a form of silent protest against injustice and police violence are sons-of-bitches. Donald Trump was backed by every white supremacist group across the board for his godawful 2016 campaign. The Third Lady, like her husband, is racist trash. Back in 2011, Melanie joined in Donald’s efforts to delegitimize our country’s first black president. Melania appeared on the Joy Behar Show and backed up her husband’s claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.

“It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Obama’s birth certificate], it’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that,” she insisted at the time. Behar then pointed out that the birth certificate had already been widely displayed and all over the internet. “We feel it’s different than birth certificate,” Melania said.

Donald Trump has a long history of racist behavior, including not renting out apartments to black people. This is who Melania chose to be joined with for life. Melania should have remained silent for the first day of Black History Month because her hypocrisy makes her a whole bitch.

Twitter users quickly weighed in.

More than eight in ten African Americans believe Donald Trump is racist and that he has contributed to making racism a bigger problem in the United States. You can sit down now, Ms. First Lady, ma’am.

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