Mike Pence Goes Full On Crazy During Speech At CPAC, Becomes Scarier Than Ever

This speech was so unsettling.

555 points

Donald Trump may be terrifying because of his stupidity, but his Vice President Mike Pence is scary on an entirely different level. Pence supports so many inhumane policies and ideologies, and he actually has the intelligence to move things forward and exercise the Republican agenda. That’s why the speech he gave at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) today was so disturbing, even though the entire thing was based on lies.

During Pence’s CPAC speech, he lashed out at Democrats, accusing them of “infanticide and a culture of death” due to their pro-choice stance and the concept that women should be in charge of their lives, their health and their bodies. After praising Trump for being the most pro-life POTUS in American history, Pence attacked the completely made up “radical agenda of abortion on demand.” He said:

I’ve long believed that a society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. With Democrats standing for late-term abortion and infanticide and a culture of death, I promise you: this president, this party and this movement will always stand for the unborn.”

Check it out:

First of all, Democrats have never called for “infanticide.” Pence is just upset that Democrats want women to be able to have to option of late-term abortions when it is medically determined that her life would be in danger or the fetus would not be able to live outside the womb. Once again, the life of an fetus takes priority over the life of an adult woman when it comes to Republicans.

Pence’s lies and his influence on Trump are terrifying, as he continuously pushes his own far-right agenda on the president. We all know that Trump was likely a major supporter of abortion when it came to his extramarital affairs, so this is all on Pence. If Pence isn’t stopped, Trump will comply and do whatever his VP wants to restrict women from having any autonomy.

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