Mike Pence Told To Get Help To Save White House From Imploding During Trump’s Insane Meltdown

This is just crazy!

578 points

Donald Trump is currently spiraling out of control — that is one thing that is blatantly obvious if you looked at his tweets over the last few days. Today, Trump has only managed to get worse as he celebrates Christmas Eve by whining about how he’s all alone in the White House and sulks about his border wall.

Things are bad. It was hard to believe they could have any gotten worse, but Trump is showing the world that his terrible performance as POTUS knows no limits. Things are actually so bad that Vice President Mike Pence has been warned to get someone in the White House ASAP to help prevent the whole thing from imploding as Trump loses all grasp on reality.

Ed Rodgers, a former Reagan White House official, has stated that Pence needs to hire a strong chief of staff to help get the Trump administration back on track. He said:

The crisis or catastrophe caused by the dysfunction has not happened yet. No one knows what the crisis is going to be. But we are living in perilous times.”

Rodgers stated that Pence needs to choose wisely or else the Trump administration will without a doubt implode. Rodgers said:

The vice president’s office is already known in Washington as ‘the pod of normalcy,’ based primarily on Pence’s own sound judgment and calm demeanor. His office is populated with good people who are capable, get along well with each other and are not part of the wild dramas constantly emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

But now, the White House needs ballast. It needs more seasoned experts who bring gravitas to the administration at a time when it seems to be teetering.”

Rodgers suggested former solicitor general Ted Olson or Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.):

A guy such as Olson would be ready and reassuring if we faced a constitutional crisis. Someone such as Kyl, along with acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, would have trust and credibility among congressional leaders from both parties.

The vice president would be doing a service by reinforcing his office with an experienced chief of staff, in case something extraordinary happens.”

Because Trump is currently too insane to do anything but tweet, the future of the White House is resting squarely on Pence, who is in desperate need of help to reel Trump in.

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