MTG Purchased A Posh, 6-Figure-Plus Condo Located In The Very Same Place She Once Called A ‘Crime-Ridden Hell Hole’

Would you look at that.

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**DISCLAIMER: This article was first published in July of 2024** 

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has often railed against Washington, D.C., as a “crime ridden hell hole” and an “embarrassment,” has now bought herself a posh condo right in the heart of the city she loves to hate. According to a recent congressional financial disclosure, Greene’s new D.C. digs are valued between $500,001 and $1 million. The revelation, which surfaced from her 2023 annual financial report filed on May 15, raises eyebrows about whether Greene truly believes her own inflammatory rhetoric or if she’s just capitalizing on the perks of being part of the elite political class.


The irony of this purchase is not lost on many, especially given Greene’s previous calls to revoke Washington, D.C.’s Home Rule, which allows its residents to govern their local affairs. The very city she wanted to strip of autonomy is now home to her latest real estate investment. This is a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do,” a staple in the playbook of MAGA politicians who bash the “swamp” while happily diving into its most lucrative benefits.

Greene’s Hypocrisy Exposed

Greene has made a career out of incendiary comments, and her disdain for the nation’s capital is well-documented. Fast forward to today, and the congresswoman appears to have conveniently forgotten her harsh words as she settles into a comfortable condo in the very place she once derided.

Critics were quick to point out the hypocrisy. D.C. Councilmember Christina Henderson didn’t mince words, urging Greene to educate herself about the city she now calls (part-time) home. “There is far more to D.C. than the federal enclave, and as a part-time resident and now property owner, I’d encourage Rep. Greene to learn more,” Henderson told Raw Story. She even suggested Greene visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library to gain some much-needed perspective on D.C.’s history and its fight for self-governance.

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The Financial Disclosure

Greene’s financial disclosure reveals much more than just her new condo. It shows she continues to amass a substantial fortune through various investments, despite positioning herself as a populist champion of the working class. Her portfolio includes stocks in major corporations like Johnson & Johnson, Disney, and Tesla, as well as a family construction business valued between $5 million and $25 million.

Adding fuel to the fire, Greene recently bought up to $15,000 worth of Qualcomm stock—a federal defense contractor—while serving on the House Committee on Homeland Security and the Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement. This purchase raises ethical questions about potential conflicts of interest, something Greene and her MAGA allies are quick to accuse their political opponents of, yet conveniently ignore when it comes to their own financial dealings.

D.C. Welcomes Its Newest “Swamp Creature”

For someone who loves to paint herself as a political outsider fighting against the elites, Greene’s actions speak louder than her fiery speeches. She may claim to represent the interests of her Georgia constituents, but her latest investment in a luxury D.C. condo suggests she’s more than happy to join the very swamp she claims to despise.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser and other city officials declined to comment on Greene’s latest move, perhaps recognizing it for what it is: another example of a politician saying one thing and doing another. Greene’s spokesperson, Nick Dyer, also dodged questions about the purchase, offering no explanation for the apparent contradiction between her words and actions.

Money Moves and Conflicts of Interest

In addition to her new condo, Greene has been busy making other financial moves since her divorce from Perry Greene. Her disclosure report shows significant investments in U.S. Treasury bills, Home Depot, Goldman Sachs, Hershey, Berkshire Hathaway, and Tractor Supply Company. She’s even invested in Microsoft while serving on the House Committee on Government Oversight and Accountability and the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation—yet another potential conflict of interest.

It’s clear that Marjorie Taylor Greene is not just another “drain the swamp” politician. She’s fully embracing the perks of being a member of Congress, from insider stock buys to luxury D.C. real estate. The question is, how long will her base continue to buy the charade that she’s any different from the so-called “elites” she loves to bash?

For now, Greene’s D.C. condo purchase is just another chapter in the ongoing saga of MAGA hypocrisy. Stay tuned.


Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0



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Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here:
