Nancy Pelosi Brutally Mocks Trump, Uses President’s Own Words Against Him In Smackdown

She owned Trump AGAIN!

570 points

Donald Trump already hates the fact that Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House now as she continues to humiliate him and keep him in check. Now, in one of the most humiliating times of his presidency, she continues to ruin his day even as the president is celebrating his premature clearance from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

While Trump has been bragging about how he’s been exonerated by the report (which is completely false), Pelosi continues to call for Attorney General William Barr’s release of the Mueller report. On Sunday, Pelosi stated that Congress should not be given a separate classified briefing and demanded that “the full report & documentation be made public without any further delay.”

Now, she’s using the president’s own words against him. Knowing full well that Trump would eventually say something that would screw everything up for him, she waited for the perfect time to comment on this, and the president of course provided it for her. In a tweet on Monday, Pelosi tweeted a video of Trump stating, in his own words, that he didn’t have a problem with the Mueller report being released. She even mocked the president and said, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” Here’s the video and her tweet:

Now, we all know that Trump was just saying this to pacify reporters and make himself look less guilty — but Pelosi spun this as extra ammunition in her case to have the Mueller report made public. As always, Pelosi reminds Trump that he has to answer to a bunch of Democrats who aren’t going to take his nonsense. For Trump, this is just the beginning of what will be a very difficult remainder of his presidency.

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