New Polling In Texas Shows Ted Cruz Is ‘All Hat And No Cattle’

He's unlikable because he's disingenuous.

555 points

Senator Ted Cruz is facing an unexpected challenge in his bid for re-election in Texas, as new polling data shows a significant shift in voter sentiment. According to a poll conducted by Morning Consult, Cruz is currently trailing his Democratic challenger, Representative Colin Allred, by one percentage point. This is a stark contrast to previous polling results, where Cruz held a five-point lead just a few weeks ago.

The Polling Data: A Dramatic Shift

Morning Consult’s latest survey, conducted between September 9 and 18, 2024, indicates that 46% of likely voters in Texas now support Allred, while 45% back Cruz. This one-point deficit for Cruz is well within the margin of error but marks a notable change from the previous poll conducted from August 30 to September 8, 2024, where Cruz was ahead by 5 points.

“The biggest beneficiary of Harris’ debate victory appears to be Democratic Rep. Colin Allred of Texas, who trailed Cruz by 5 points in pre-debate surveys but now leads by 1 point,” Morning Consult reported.

This sudden shift has raised alarms among Republicans, as Texas has long been considered a solidly red state. Cruz, who has been a prominent figure in the Senate since 2013, is now in a precarious position as he fights to retain his seat.

Newsweek explains:

The survey, conducted by Morning Consult between September 9 and 18, showed Allred one point ahead of Cruz, on 45 percent to his 44 percent among 2,716 likely voters. His lead was within the poll’s margin of error of +/-2 percentage points.

Cruz, the incumbent Texas Senator, has had a consistent but narrowing lead over his Democratic challenger in previous polls.

Cruz’s struggles can be attributed to several factors. His controversial stance on various issues, his involvement in the January 6th insurrection, and his unpopularity among some Republican voters have all contributed to his declining support. Furthermore, his actions during the Texas power crisis in 2021, when he flew to Cancun while millions of Texans were without power, have left a lasting negative impression.

Comparing the Polls: Pre-Debate vs. Post-Debate

The recent debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and her Republican challenger seems to have played a significant role in this shift. While the debate was at the national level, it appears to have had a ripple effect in key Senate races, including Texas. Before the debate, Cruz was leading Allred by five points, but the aftermath of the debate has seen a complete reversal.

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Morning Consult’s analysis highlights this shift:

“Most Democratic candidates we’re tracking have managed to put a little more distance between themselves and their challengers compared to surveys conducted before the Sept. 10 presidential debate,” the report states [40†source]. This suggests that the debate may have energized Democratic voters and contributed to the surge in support for Allred.


A Troubling Trend for Republicans

Cruz’s declining support is part of a broader trend affecting Republican incumbents in the 2024 election cycle. According to Morning Consult, several GOP Senators are facing unexpectedly tight races in states that were once considered safe. This includes Rick Scott in Florida, who is also within the margin of error against his Democratic challenger.

“There are two potentially vulnerable Republican Senate incumbents of the cycle. Rick Scott of Florida leads his Democratic challenger within the margin of sampling error, and Ted Cruz of Texas trails his challenger by 1 point, well within the margin of error,” the report notes.

This indicates a potential shift in voter sentiment that could have significant implications for the balance of power in the Senate.

The Cruz Problem

Ted Cruz has always been a contentious figure, even within his own party. His hardline conservative views and confrontational style have made him both a hero to the far-right and a liability to more moderate Republicans. His willingness to align himself with Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, despite their acrimonious primary battle, has further alienated some voters.

Liz Cheney just endorsed Ted Cruz’s Democratic opponent in Texas – Congressman Colin Allred.  Here are three key reasons why she says she endorsed him:

  • Character and Competence: “I know what kind of a congressman [Colin] has been… I know that [Ted Cruz] will say anything if it serves his own political purpose… and the nation is at a moment where we need public servants who are men and women of goodwill, who are men and women who will do the right thing.”
  • Commitment to the Constitution: “The most conservative value of all is being faithful to the constitution and, doing your duty to uphold the constitution, and that has to come above party. It has to come above partisanship.”

  • Trust and Integrity: “You can’t trust Ted Cruz. He’s gonna say whatever he has to say to serve his own political purpose. But I’ve worked with Colin… and he will be the kind of public servant that people of Texas deserve and that the whole country needs in the United States Senate.”

Cruz’s involvement in the events surrounding January 6th has also been a major sticking point. He was one of the Senators who objected to the certification of the 2020 election results, a move that has been heavily criticized by Democrats and some Republicans alike. This decision, along with his continued promotion of election fraud conspiracies, has damaged his reputation among those who view these actions as undermining democratic principles.


What’s Next for Cruz?

With just over a year to go until the 2024 election, Cruz will need to find a way to regain the trust of Texas voters if he hopes to secure another term in the Senate. This will likely involve a delicate balancing act of appealing to his conservative base while also reaching out to moderates who may be put off by his more extreme positions.

Cruz’s campaign will need to address these issues head-on, and he may need to distance himself from some of his more controversial stances if he hopes to broaden his appeal.

Ted Cruz is in trouble, and his re-election is far from guaranteed. The latest polling data shows that he is now trailing his Democratic challenger, a situation that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. As the campaign heats up, all eyes will be on Texas to see if Cruz can turn things around or if he will be the latest Republican incumbent to fall in the 2024 election cycle.

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Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here:
