NYT Political Correspondent Claims Trump Family Is Showing “Some Anxiety” About What Was On Newly Exposed Jan. 6th Video Footage

They're feeling the heat...

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The January 6th House Select Committee’s public hearings have shaped up to be every bit as explosive as they promised (and we expected) and then some — as more and more bombshells steadily land in the Trump family’s lap.

Now, New York Times senior political correspondent Maggie Haberman has spoken up about new footage that she has watched that she says directly contradicts the information and remarks Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka Trump gave to the House Panel that is currently investigating the infamous, deadly Capitol attack — and now Haberman says the entire Trump family is feeling “some anxiety” about what was said in the contradictory footage that Maggie has seen.

In her testimony before the January 6th House Select Committee, Ivanka Trump asserted that she respected her father’s former Attorney General, Bill Barr’s, DOJ conclusion that there was not, in fact, any widespread voter fraud involved in the 2020 presidential election. However, reports have since come to light that Ivanka told documentary filmmaker Alex Holder that her father “should keep fighting, that he should exhaust every legal remedy,” as summarized by Haberman on CNN’s New Day. Holder has already turned over a slew of evidence to the House Select Committee in compliance with a subpoena they issued against him, including this damning documentary footage that Haberman has personally reviewed, and is reportedly set to appear before the Panel to deliver his own testimony on Thursday.

Maggie, who also serves as a CNN contributor, said “what she said under oath is what she actually believed, but what she said in that video was at odds and it was a real reminder of how little people were saying to Donald Trump’s face about what they thought about what he was doing.”

The NYT correspondent went on to describe the damning, contradictory footage as consisting of three different interviews with Trump’s daughter Ivanka, one of which directly followed January 6th and the violent attack on the Capitol. She went on to reveal that Trump campaign officials were left “stunned” upon learning of the footage from Politico. 

New Day co-host John Berman asked Haberman, “You say people you talked to were stunned. Are they worried at all?”

“Well, the people that I talked to are not worried because they’re not in it,” Maggie answered. “My understanding is that there is some anxiety among some family members about what might have been said. Again, not necessarily for legal reasons, but just because there are things like what we just discussed, which are at odds with other statements that have been made.”

Watch the clip of Maggie Haberman’s CNN analysis here:

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