NYT Reports: Trump Clemency Move Backfires As Pardoned Criminal Accused Of Vicious Assault On Wife And Father-in-Law

One of President Trump's pardoned criminals gets re-arrested.

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According to The New York Times, before leaving office, President (ugh) Donald Trump pardoned a significant number of his own criminals.

The individuals a president chooses to pardon reflect that presidentā€™s character.

Most presidents enhance their legacy by granting clemency. However, Trumpā€™s pardons follow a different patternā€”one that showcases his hatred for the law that is going after him.

He has pardoned and said that he will continue to pardon individuals with serious criminal records, creating the impression that a president with a criminal history will grant leniency to other criminals like himself.

The power to grant pardons is a presidential privilege, which Trump clearly wants to take advantage of and that the choice of who receives a pardon has serious repercussions, should backfire on him. Especially because his pardoning of criminals is still happening.

One of the most notable examples is Jonathan Braun, whom Trump pardoned before reluctantly leaving office in 2021.

This past Tuesday, Braun was re-arrested after assaulting his 75-year-old father-in-law, who was trying to protect his daughter from that prick.

Braun’s wife told police that he had assaulted her twice in the past five weeks. According to legal documents:

On August 12, Braun threw his wife to the floor and punched her repeatedly in the head, causing significant pain and bruising to her arms, legs, and head. She also reported feeling dizzy from the assault.

Just as Trump has denied his convictions, Braun also pleaded not guilty to the charges. Despite prosecutors pushing for bail, Braun was released without it.

When Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt was asked about Braun’s commutation and Trump’s stance on crime, she simply stated that Trump “wants criminals to spend time behind bars.”

Yet, if you know Trump, it’s clear that his definition of ā€œcriminalsā€ applies to everyone he views as a threatā€”except for himself.

Yes, Trump is a threat, but by pardoning criminals, he’s unleashed an even bigger dangerā€”an army of individuals now free to roam our streets, putting all of us at risk.

Featured Image via Political Tribune Gallery


Jon Mark

I'm a freelancer based in Texas. My interests include politics and almost everything else, except leaving the houseā€”I'm definitely not a fan of that. I have experience with hardship, and occasionally, success.
