NYT Reports Trump Is Taking ‘Calls From Unknown Foreign Numbers’ While Selecting Cabinet

This could be dangerous.

581 points

As President-elect in 2024, Donald Trump should be focused on making thoughtful and responsible decisions about who will help him lead the country. However, a recent report from the New York Times shows that Trump is still making risky and careless choices, particularly when it comes to his habit of taking calls from unknown foreign numbers. This behavior is alarming and raises serious questions about his judgment and the safety of the United States.

According to the New York Times, Trump is still answering calls from foreign people he doesn’t know. The report even states that “it sometimes seems to his staff as if half the world now has Mr. Trump’s cellphone number.” This is extremely troubling. As president, Trump’s phone should be used for important government business and national security matters, not for random calls from people overseas. The fact that Trump is willing to take these unknown calls shows that he isn’t being cautious or responsible about who he communicates with.

Why is it dangerous for a sitting president to answer calls from unknown foreign numbers? The answer is simple: national security. We don’t know who is calling, what their intentions are, or what information they might try to get from Trump. A foreign leader or adversary could easily use this opportunity to try to influence Trump’s decisions or even get important information about the United States’ plans. A president needs to protect sensitive information, and answering calls from unknown foreign numbers puts that at risk.

Answering random calls goes against the security rules meant to protect the president. The president holds a lot of power, and even small mistakes can lead to big problems. When Trump answers calls from unknown sources, he is allowing risks like political manipulation or even spying.

But it’s not just about national security. Trump’s habit of answering random phone calls seems to be taking his focus away from the important job of picking the right people for his cabinet. The New York Times report says that while Trump is supposed to be choosing his team, he is also spending time answering calls from people around the world. For example, he chose Matt Gaetz for the role of Attorney General, even though Matt wasn’t properly checked out.

In the past, Trump has been criticized for getting too close to foreign leaders who didn’t always have America’s best interests in mind. For example, he often praised leaders like Vladimir Putin from Russia and Kim Jong-un from North Korea, even though their actions weren’t good for the U.S. Now, Trump is still making these mistakes. He is taking calls from foreign people he doesn’t even know, which shows he cares more about making connections and looking good than about protecting the country.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery

Terry Lawson

I'm Terry Lawson, a writer and editor from Alabama. For the past five years, I've worked as a ghostwriter for different companies, creating content that fits their needs. Right now, I work as an editor and political writer for Political Tribune, writing engaging articles. I enjoy writing and have strong skills in writing, editing, critical thinking, and project management. My work is driven by a love for storytelling and a focus on quality. You can find me on Twitter (X) at https://x.com/terrylwsn?t=9c8qdqDw3JqNxJybEBVn_w&s=09.
