People On Social Media Had Questions After Kellyanne Conway’s Appearance Appeared To Change Overnight

Uhm... What?!

595 points

Here at Political Tribune, we do our best to avoid poking fun at people for things that are out of their control — such as their physical appearance. We know and respect that human beings come in all shapes and sizes.

And in the case of this three-ring circus they try to pass off as a presidential administration, there’s typically never a lack of things to disparage those people for without ever even needing to touch on their looks. When you’re locking brown babies in cages, letting a deadly pandemic run rampant and virtually unchecked throughout the entire nation, and refusing to stand in support of anyone other than a predominantly white police force — Well, we’re just not short of things to pick from.

However, every once in a while, an image will make its round on social media that’s just all but impossible to ignore. It’s not that we’re making fun, it’s just the fact that it’s out there.

And that’s the case with this recent image of Presidential Counselor Kellyanne Conway.

Perhaps she’s just trying to get a head start and gear up for the fact that she’ll soon be on the search for a new job once Donald Trump’s reign on terror finally comes to an end. But whatever her reasoning behind the drastic change is… This is not the face of Kellyanne Conway that we know and loathe:

Twitter users from the world ’round were quick to notice the sudden, drastic change in Conway’s appearance:

Maybe it’s prep for finding a new job, or maybe she’s gearing up for that divorce that is almost assuredly right around the corner. Who knows what this is about. But I can tell you now… That ain’t Maybelline.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore “, under Creative Commons license 2.0″

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