Queen Elizabeth II Found Trump ‘Very Rude’ And Questioned His Marriage To Melania, According To Explosive New Biography

This is classic.

612 points

So, it turns out that Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t exactly charmed by Donald Trump during his visits. According to The Daily Mail, a new biography by Craig Brown, A Voyage Around The Queen, Her Majesty found Trump, well, “very rude.” Now, that’s not something you hear every day about someone who prides themselves on making “the best” connections.

Apparently, the Queen took issue with how Trump would glance over her shoulder during conversations as if he were looking for someone more interesting. And let’s not forget the queen’s musings about Trump and Melania’s relationship. The book claims she suspected they must have had “some sort of arrangement” — what exactly she meant by that is left to our imagination, but I’m sure it’s not a glowing endorsement.

What’s fascinating here is not just the Queen’s opinions but how they contrast with Trump’s own narrative. He often spoke about how much the Queen enjoyed his company, once telling Fox News that she’d “never had a better time.” It’s one of those moments where the story told in public doesn’t quite match the version behind closed doors.

The Queen, as we know, was a master of diplomacy. For her to share such candid thoughts, even in private, really underscores how uncomfortable those meetings might have been. And let’s not forget the optics of Trump famously walking in front of her during their guard inspection—talk about breaking royal protocol.

Featured Image via Political Tribune Gallery.

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
