Report Appeared To Show Melania Trump Broke The Law, Was Paid For Modeling Before She Had Legal Permission To Work In US

Well, what do you know?

613 points

Melania Trump is a bitter little woman who spends her time parroting her husband’s ridiculous and cruel notions on birtherism and immigration policies because evidently, she doesn’t have enough brain cells or balls to actually form her own opinions — which is strikingly ironic considering the woman is an immigrant herself. And according to a resurfaced report, she’s not even a legal one. Or, at least, she wasn’t.

Melania has repeatedly claimed over the years that her immigration to America from her birthplace of Slovenia was a legal one. She first arrived in the country in August of 1992 with a B1/B2 visitor visa, obtained an H-1B work visa in October of the same year, received her green card in March of 2001, and became a real-life American citizen in 2006 — claiming all along that she never stepped a toe over the lines of legality throughout the process.

However, that’s unsurprisingly been proven to be bullshit. Documents obtained by the Associated Press and reported on by POLITICO indicate that Melania made around $20,056 for 10 separate modeling jobs in the US during the seven-week period in which her visa allowed her to be in the United States and begin looking for work, but did not grant her the permission to actually carry out paid tasks.

Of course, Melania and her representatives can and continue to dispute this evidence, but it doesn’t change the fact that documents still exist proving that she was just as “illegal” as the people that her husband had confined in cages.

The hypocrisy of that administration truly knew no bounds. And this evidence merely serves as further proof that Donald doesn’t have an issue with immigration. Donald has an issue with brown skin. Immigrants are fine, legal or otherwise, so long as they’re nice and pale-skinned and sleep with him every night.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons/Tolgenn

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
