Report Claimed GOP Lawmakers Are Plotting Their Escape As Trump’s Chances At Reelection Crash And Burn: “Donald Trump Is Scared”

You better believe he's scared.

621 points

According to one conservative columnist who penned a blistering piece with the Daily Beast, GOP lawmakers are lining up to jump ship like drowning rats from the Trump reelection campaign as Donald continues to wreak havoc on this nation at every turn and flounder in the polls.

Conservative commentator Matt Lewis revealed that there are several indicators on Capitol Hill of Republican Congressmembers who are plotting their escape from Donald Trump as he stumbles hard in his bid for reelection as November rapidly approaches.

“Donald Trump is scared,” Lewis, who abandoned the Republican party himself specifically because the GOP became the party of Trump, stated. “He has beaten, dominated, and bludgeoned the Republican Party into positions that would make a drunken riot cop blush with shame. But now that Trump may lose in a landslide, his captives and quislings are plotting their escape.”

Lewis notes in his column that the proverbial straw to break the camel’s back for many conservatives was the series of comments recently made by retired General James Mattis.

“Mattis, one of the few adults to serve in Trump’s administration, resigned on principle, and his criticisms were strong and pointed—so I don’t include him in what I’m about to say next, which instead applies to the many elected Republicans who acted like pantywaists before they started to smell Trumpian blood in the electoral waters: When it looks like a ship is sinking, the rats begin scurrying off,” Lewis wrote. “Take Sen. Ben Sasse, for example; he wrote a book about the ‘vanishing adult’ before becoming one himself. After taking a proverbial knee for the last couple of years, Sasse has reemerged recently as a Trump critic. He (coincidentally) rediscovered his courage after winning his primary election—at the very moment that Trump was (and still is) losing by double digits to Joe Biden.”

“The danger for Trump is that Sasse isn’t the only one putting down markers for potential political support,” he stated before noting that Sen. Lisa Murkowski took her own shots at President Trump before returning to his side, something Lewis sees as a clear indicator that Trump’s sheen of invincibility within the Republican party is fading fast.

“It’s better late than never,” he stated. “The future of the country is at stake. Republicans are facing a profoundly moral choice—the moral choice of their careers. They’ve already failed, repeatedly, and fed me column fodder for years now. But fate is handing them one last chance to get on the right side of history.”

Lewis admitted that there was a good possibility that not too many GOPers will actually fly the coop. However, with Biden’s recent poll numbers showing Trump losing in a bad way, the temptation for the flip-flop is certainly there.

“It’s finally hitting Republicans that there will be life after Trump. And if they want to hang on to their careers and reputations, they better paddle faster,” he penned, adding, “This raises questions about the vulnerable Republicans who are on the ballot in November. Do any of them begin distancing from Trump?”

“It’s possible that one or two incumbent Republicans might ultimately conclude that sticking with Trump and getting re-elected are mutually exclusive, and that would make things interesting. Maine’s Susan Collins, who has an independent brand that predates Trump’s political rise, is one such example,” Lewis explained. “It’s conceivable she will, at some point, conclude that her best chance to win is to distance from Trump and try and localize the election. Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner is the other possible defection. This is probably the kind of last-ditch maneuver you see after Labor Day.”

“Trump, the man, will not go quietly into that good night. But a landslide loss would cast this one-term president in the role of a ‘loser,’ more akin to Jimmy Carter than Richard Nixon,” he wrote, before adding, “Trumpism. One day, it’s a miracle, it will disappear.”

You can read the full article here.

Featured image via Flickr/The White House 

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