Republican Candidate Is Humiliated After His Own Family Disowns Him, Calls Him “Fake”

This is wild!

571 points

Republicans are being exposed left and right for their lies by those close to them. The president can’t seem to escape the damaging books his former staff members are writing about him, and GOPers running for election are being called out — often by their own families!

The most recent Republican thrashing is happening to Adam Laxalt, who is running for governor of Nevada. In a hilarious instance of karma, Laxalt is currently being outed by 12 of his own family members in a brutal op-ed in the Reno Gazette-Journal for being misleading and inauthentic.

Laxalt apparently pissed off his family by framing himself as a homespun Nevadan in a recent campaign fundraiser, as he posed next to farm equipment and hay. Laxalt’s family wants to make sure America knows that this is all bullsh*t. They wrote:

This event perfectly captures the Adam Laxalt candidacy: the phoniness of the setting and costumes, the pretense of folksiness used as a prop for Washington power players.

All this careful arrangement is meant to project an image of authenticity, of a deep family tie to Nevada and its history. But it’s all fake, all props paid for by someone else.”

Then they dug in deep into his stance on immigration, healthcare, reproductive rights, and land conservation. Laxalt’s family even said his short career as a lawyer was a “train wreck” to make him look even more incompetent.

When the stakes are this high in the midterm elections and things aren’t looking good at all for Republicans, this is the last thing these GOPers need – but very few would argue that it’s undeserved.

This seems to be a growing trend as well. Several Republicans have been outed by their family members. For example, Arizona representative Paul Gosar was trashed by six siblings who took part in an ad for his opponent David Brill. GOPer Kevin Nicholson was also betrayed when his parents and brother donated the maximum amount they were allowed to Democrat incumbent Tammy Baldwin. And there have been SO many more.

Let’s just say that this Thanksgiving, especially following midterm elections, the dinner table is going to be a VERY awkward place for a lot of Republican politicians.

Featured image via screen capture
