Republican Congressman Just Laid Out The Most Bonkers Plan We’ve Ever Heard To Make Trump President Again, You Can’t Make This Kind Of Desperation Up

Oh. My. GAWD.

644 points

Well, folks, if you thought the Republicans couldn’t possibly get any more batshit crazy than they already are — Boy, do I have news for you…

Missouri Republican Rep. Billy Long took to his Twitter account with a new “plan” to get disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached ex-President Donald Trump back into the White House he lost that’s so absolutely unhinged it told Marjorie Taylor Greene to hold its beer.

Long’s half-baked, nuthouse-worthy strategy began with “get Kamala Harris to resign” before moving on to the portion where President Biden was supposed to be convinced to make Donald Trump his new Vice President and wrapped up with “get Joe Biden to resign.”

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right?!

I swear on all that is good and holy in this world (which, admittedly, isn’t much anymore) I am not joking.

Not only did Rep. Long display to the whole entire world, or at least those with a computer and a functioning brain, that he has absolutely no grasp on how the line of succession in the United States government works, he also failed to line out any details pertaining to how he intended to see all of this nonsense put into place.

But best believe the final step of his plan consisted of “Finish the wall.”

As if the whole ordeal wasn’t already bad enough as it is, the fact that Long has been serving in Congress for over a decade and is currently running for Senate to replace Missouri’s retiring Republican Senator Roy Blunt just makes it all that much worse still.

Unfortunately, Long is no stranger to spewing controversial bullshit out of his mouth and most recently went so far as to compare the Uvalde massacre that claimed the lives of 21 innocent living, breathing human beings to abortion rights.

“Now, we have two, three, four a week in Springfield, Missouri. So, something has happened to our society. I go back to abortion when we decided it was ok to murder kids in their mothers’ wombs. Life has no value to a lot of these folks,” Long remarked during an interview on 93.9 The Eagle in Columbia, Missouri on Wednesday.

The response to Long’s “plan” went down pretty much exactly like you’d expect:

These Republicans are really out here digging their own holes for us at this point. We don’t even have to do much anymore.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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