Republicans Are Reportedly Aggravated With Greedy, “Selfish” Trump As He Allegedly Refuses To Share His Millions In Campaign Cash With GOP Candidates With Midterms Right Around The Corner

I guess no one taught Trump to share!

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According to a new report from NBC News, ex-President Donald Trump has access to a staggering $110 million-plus in campaign cash, but he’s apparently less than willing to share the wealth with his fellow Republicans, even with midterm elections just around the corner, and it’s leaving his allies extremely frustrated and even angry with the former guy.

Trump seems to be raking in the cash left and right through email solicitations to the party’s smaller donors as well as big-ticket VIP events that are often tied to his MAGA rallies and spell a big paycheck for the big guy. But for all that cold, hard cash the former president has been bringing in for himself, NBC reports that only a measly $205,000 from his war chest has been contributed by his “Save America” PAC, among 41 federal candidates through the end of last month — and it’s really starting to piss his party’s people off.

GOP donor Dan Eberhart was quick to point out that Donald Trump isn’t even donating funds to the Republicans he’s literally, publicly endorsed, stating, “It pisses me off. It’s pretty selfish.”

But Republican campaign veterans and close Trump insiders say that, while they’re disappointed and aggravated with the ex-president’s selfishness and greed, they’re not exactly surprised by it. In fact, one Trump campaign veteran told NBC there was no way Donald Trump would “spend any money on these people in midterms” and would instead keep as much of the money as possible for himself.

“He does not share well when it comes to money,” the inside source told the publication.

Rather than choosing to endorse candidates who could help the Republican party reclaim governing majorities, Trump instead seems to heavily lean towards those who essentially serve in the army of loyalists he’s seemingly trying to create in Congress and on state government levels. However, he doesn’t seem to be grasping or paying attention to the fact that many of these candidates do not have much traction among voters, meaning their campaign pocketbooks are extremely thin.

One national GOP strategist said, “If there are seats left on the table because he is stockpiling hundreds of millions of dollars and not spending it to help candidates, then that will leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. No one is counting on him spending that money to help the party, but he’s been helpful in other ways.”

Former Trump campaign officials have pointed out that Trump could truly make a huge difference for many of these candidates without even having to spend too much of his own cash stockpile.

“You identify the races where the Republicans can win and Trump polls well,” the former official stated. “There are districts where Trump can hurt the Republican candidate, there’s no question about that. But there are more districts where he can help them, and so you’d be targeting those districts.”

“I don’t think Trump’s team knows how to do it,” the source added. “I don’t think Trump’s team cares much about doing it.”

Other Republicans are also becoming seriously concerned that Donald Trump’s relentless soliciting of small Republican donors — quite literally often pandering for donations several times a day — is bleeding the party’s small but loyal donors dry right out of the gate, leaving very little to be had for other GOP candidates.

“That’s a huge problem,” one GOP operative admitted.

You can read the full NBC News report here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
