Republicans Make Disgusting Black Friday Move To Promote Donald Trump, What Has America Come To?

There is something seriously wrong with this.

576 points

The Republican Party has officially become something that is unrecognizable since Donald Trump got into the White House. The president has infected every aspect of the GOP since he took office, making more and more spineless conservatives do his bidding as time dragged on. Serving as proof that the Republican Party is now the party of Trump, what the GOP did on Black Friday was absolutely revolting.

The Republican National Committee celebrated Black Friday by promoting the president’s products. From its official Twitter account, the RNC got itself into a major ethical dilemma by promoting a Black Friday Sale on products from Trump’s online store. The caption on the tweet, which offered a 20 percent discount, said:

There’s only one thing better than a Black Friday deal… and that’s a Trump Black Friday deal.”

Really, how can anyone in their right mind say that Trump isn’t using his presidency to line his pockets? This isn’t the first time the RNC has done something like this, either: On National Puppy Day, the RNC used its Twitter account to sell Trump-themed pet leashes. On Mother’s Day, the RNC promoted pink Trump merchandise.

The Republican Party has truly lost its way, and we don’t think it can be saved at this point. Here are just some of the responses from people around the world who were horrified by this:

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