Senior White House Official Reveals Trump’s Plans For Pipe Bombing Victims, It Is Absolutely Disgusting

Obama NEVER would have done this!

597 points

America is looking to its undeserving president to do something — anything at this point — about the terrifying bomb scares that were directed at Democrats and Trump critics earlier this week. Victims of these bomb scares were those like former President Barak Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, reporters at CNN, and many more — and yet the response from Trump and the Republican Party has been extremely disappointing and sickening.

And it turns out there may not be much of a response at all, as Trump and Republicans continue to ignore that this was an attack planned by one of their own, inspired by the violence and hatred that the president encourages. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins reported that Trump is literally planning on doing nothing — he isn’t even going to call the victims that were targeted. She reported that a senior official told her that the president has “no intention” of calling the victims:

And if that didn’t make your stomach turn enough, Collins reported that Trump is actually pouting and bitter about the attention these mail bombs got because it took coverage away from him. She reported:

President Trump says mail bombs coverage overshadowed his proposal to lower drug prices. ‘It didn’t get kind of coverage it should have’ bc ‘we’re competing with this story that took place, our law enforcement’s done such a good job, so maybe that can start to disappear rapidly.'”

At this point, it’s hard to be any more disappointed in the GOP.

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