Social Media Lost It After Jim Jordan Implied Americans Should Get A Job Instead Of Stimulus Checks

There are no jobs, fool.

592 points

Republican senator Ron Johnson previously blocked a bipartisan motion to pass a bill to provide $1,200 stimulus checks to Americans, citing concerns over the “deficit.” Sure, now that a Democrat is in the White House, suddenly Republicans are worried about our deficit, but the GOP didn’t care when Donald Trump gifted the wealthy with a tax break just after stepping into office. Unemployment is through the roof, children are going hungry, and food banks are being hammered as most of us are trying to stay home to flatten the coronavirus curve.

So, of course, Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan just had to out-asshole Johnson with a solution to direly needed stimulus checks: Get a job.

Twitter users had something to say to that morally bankrupt, empathy lacking assclown.

After the previous administration’s botched response to the pandemic, Americans were left struggling, and Republicans such as Jordan enabled that trash-monster president every step of the way. Donald Trump threw us into an apocalyptic economy, and that rat-fucker is telling us to get a job.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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