Social Media Roasts Trump Over His Lame Excuse For Why He Didn’t Like Playing Football

Sure, we believe you.

580 points

Donald Trump is doing right-side-up things upside-down. He’s trying to portray himself as a big, tough, masculine dude, but is instead being widely mocked on social media for his wimptastic reason for not liking to play football back in the Jurassic period when he was a child.

He showed up on the Bussin’ With the Boys podcast earlier Tuesday and made a big fuss about why he didn’t like playing football. Oh, and he also tooted a few racist dog whistles while he was at it, according to Huffpost.

Well, this is Trump, after all, and it just wouldn’t be him if he didn’t fit in a few racist comments.

“I didn’t like [football],” Trump said. “I played tight … tight end. I could catch the ball good, but I didn’t particularly like having some guy who was lifting weights all day long and came from a bad neighborhood and he sees me … they were tackling hard.”

If you want to skip past all the blither-blather on this long podcast you can zip on through to the 1:54:40 mark.

Trump’s wimpy remark caught the attention of MeidasTouchNetwork’s Ron Filipkowski, who fired off another zinger at President Bone Spurs (he’s fired off many):

“Trump said he tried to play TE in high school but he quit because he liked catching the ball but didn’t like being tackled. Maybe if they just let him score every time like Putin in hockey he wouldn’t have quit.”

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This isn’t a particularly good look for someone who’s trying to pretend he’s tough as a counterpoint to his opponent Vice President Kamala Harris’s emphasis on all-inclusiveness as she runs against him in the 2024 presidential election.

Conservative nudnik Charlie Kirk has claimed “You’re not a man” unless, of course, you vote for the orangest president we’ve ever had in office. Last week former President Barack Obama also had a few words for people of color who are thinking of voting for manly (not really) Trump.

“You’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you because you think that’s a sign of strength because that’s what being a man is?” Obama scolded Black men in Pennsylvania, the largest battleground state. “That’s not acceptable.”

Filipkowski’s post definitely caught people’s attention on X (formerly Twitter) and most were pretty funny.

@Dexter_Wright remembered:

“For many years Trump bragged about being a great athlete. He said he would have gone pro but it didn’t pay any money. Apparently bone spurs only hurt when you put on a military uniform.”

@Tired_Nonsense_  made the following observation:

“Trump didn’t like any situation where a win wasn’t automatically given to him. I wonder if he claimed cheating every time they lost.

Others noticed Trump’s racist dog whistles.

@IanHest commented:

“So Trump didn’t like playing football cause he wasn’t good, was too overweight to be a receiver, and was too racist to play against black people that could beat him.”

@DanteAtkins commented, “Trunp [sic] didn’t like playing football because it might have involved getting touched by Black people.”

“He didn’t like poor African American kids touching his white privilege,” wrote @glamelegance.

And lastly, this one:

Here’s the podcast clip below.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Megan Hamilton
Megan Colleen Hamilton was born and raised on progressive politics and she has long fought for liberal causes. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, parts of Mexico, and now Central America. Her travels have further informed her progressive beliefs in these troubled times. She is currently owned by 11 cats, two dogs, and one naughty rabbit. She actually is one of those “childless cat ladies.”
