Social Media User Gave Brutal Response To AZ GOP Governor’s Brag About Being “Ranked The Most Pro-Life State In The Country” And It Drove The Internet Wild

Well, well, well...

647 points

Tensions are high in America as the Left (un)officially wages war against the ultra far-Right, after the basic human rights and dignities of American women and AFAB individuals were brutally stripped from us yesterday morning, as the US Supreme Court sent us flying back to the 1950s, kicking and screaming, and sending a message to every uterus owner in this country that their right, dignity, privacy, and autonomy no longer matter — but now bend to the will of the rich, white man.

The vast majority of the American people are furious.

However, there are still a portion of people out there who are openly rejoicing the destruction of human rights… And they’re getting their asses handed to them over it.

Yesterday, staunch Right-wing governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, took to his Twitter to openly brag about his state being “ranked the most pro-life state in the country.”

One Twitter user who goes by the name of “Neen” wasted absolutely no time in putting Doug in his place.

“Your son made me take plan b after we hooked up but carry on.”

Now, before you jump down my throat, I am fully aware that Plan B is not, has never been, and will never be an abortion-inducing medication. It is nothing more than an emergency contraceptive to prevent a pregnancy from even forming in the womb. However, we are now at a point in this country where some of the most devoutly anti-choice states and lawmakers are hoping to soon ban Plan B and all its alternatives as well, because apparently factual knowledge and education are for squares now.

Suffice it to say, while we cannot verify the authenticity of Neen’s claim, her response to Ducey sent the internet ablaze:

Do with this information what you will, friends.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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