The Internet Mocked Eric Trump After He Tweeted A Pic Of A Hat With “Leave Our President Alone” On It

Always the victim.

596 points

Has the pandemic almost made you forget that holidays existed? I’m having a hard time even remembering what day of the week it is. But you might be surprised to know that we just had major holidays right before the world turned upside-down.

And while most of us spent the holiday season expressing gratitude for the people, events, and occurrences in our lives, big or small, Donald Trump’s sons were obviously in dire need of attention.  For quite a while now people have been trying to figure out which of Trump’s eldest sons is the dumbest. You be the judge.

Don Junior tweeted out a message saying that you should “trigger” your liberal family members on Thanksgiving, then send him pictures or a video. Sure, destroy families on Thanksgiving just to own the libs.

Then Eric Trump tweeted an image of a red Trump hat, with the slogan altered to read “LOPA” meaning, “Leave Our President Alone.”

Melania Trump, who is Slovenian-American, could have explained to her stepson that Lopa in her native tongue means “a thief” so the slogan is fitting.

Twitter users piled in.

Donald Trump not only dogged former President Barack Obama with false claims that he wasn’t born in the U.S., but he repeatedly criticized his golf outings. Trump has now spent 115 million taxpayer dollars on golf outings. To put that in perspective, that adds up to 287 years of presidential salary.

Now, if Trump would just quit criming around, he might catch a break.

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