Things Just Keep Getting Worse For The Trump Family, Report Confirmed Don Jr. Was Served Court Papers In The Lawsuit For Witness Intimidation Against Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman

They're coming for you, Jr.

676 points

The brutal, non-stop losses just keep rolling in for the Trump family these days from virtually every direction. And it just got a whole lot worse still for none other than Donald’s oldest son and namesake, Donald Trump Jr.

Not that long ago, we reported that one-term, twice-impeached former President Trump was officially the subject of a lawsuit from retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman for alleged violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 — an act “which among other things prohibits conspiracies to prevent someone from holding or discharging the duties of their office or to retaliate against them for doing so. It also bars conspiracies to stop witnesses from testifying or to retaliate against them for doing so.” In addition to the ex-president, former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani and two of Trump’s aides, Dan Scavino and Julia Hahn, were also included in the lawsuit.

And it appears as though Trump’s eldest son is going down with this particular sinking ship as well.

Vindman’s lawsuit accused the defendants of “an intentional, concerted campaign of unlawful intimidation and retaliation” due to Vindman’s perceived anti-Trump role in the process of the now ex-president’s first impeachment in the House of Representatives, following Trump’s attempted extortion of Ukraine.

“This campaign of intimidation and retaliation has had severe and deeply personal ramifications for Lt. Col. Vindman,” the lawsuit reads. “It also left a stain on our democracy.”

Recent court documents indicated that Donald Trump’s eldest child, Donald Trump Jr., was officially served with the lawsuit.

According to the documents, Vindman requested that the court awards him financial damages in connection to the mistreatment lodged against him by Trump, his administration, and his family, following his participation in the ex-president’s first impeachment trial, where the now-retired Lt. Col. Vindman served as a witness.

See the court documents here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
