Trump Administration Explodes As Ivanka Accuses John Kelly Of Being Traitor To Trump

Trump's White House will not survive this.

542 points

Donald Trump’s White House, even with all of the dysfunctional nonsense it has somehow survived, may have just met its match. The Trump administration has become infamous for being a circus full of clowns with an unprecedented amount of in-fighting, but now we’ve seen the worst of it.

As the president freaked out and called for an investigation into finding the top Trump official who was responsible for writing the New York Times op-ed against him, Trump’s favorite daughter was already pointing the finger — and so was her husband, Trump advisor Jared Kushner. Ivanka and Kushner accused White House Chief of Staff John Kelly of being the anonymous leaker behind the op-ed, signaling that things in the White House are about to get nastier than they’ve ever been.

While Ivanka and her husband have been trying to keep a low profile due to the leaks coming out of the West Wing, they’ve still been telling Trump that Kelly is responsible for “destroying” his presidency. Vanity Fair reported:

Earlier this week, they told Trump they were deeply troubled by the accounts in Woodward’s book and blamed Chief of Staff John Kelly for many of the leaks, an outside adviser close to them told me. ‘He’s destroying your presidency,’ Ivanka told her father, the outside adviser, who was briefed on the conversation, said. Their hunt for the author of the Times op-ed may bring them into the final chapter of their long-running feud with Kelly.”

Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman stated that Kelly’s ego — and their longstanding issues with Trump’s Chief of Staff — is responsible for these accusations:

Jared and Ivanka have told people they suspect this because Kelly is the only one with an ego so large as to have convinced himself that he’s saving the country from Trump, which was one of the op-ed’s principal arguments.”

Currently, the White House has made a list of 12 suspected leakers, although Trump doesn’t believe Kelly is responsible. Things are about to get uglier than they’ve ever been in the Trump administration, once again proving that Trump’s White House is more like a reality show than a president’s headquarters.

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