Trump During New Hampshire Rally: “I Don’t Talk About My A*s”

You don't say.

555 points

For the past four days, Trump has been soaking up the attention he’s gotten during the Republican National Convention — after ensuring that he made some sort of speech or appearance on every single night of the ridiculous, dreadful thing.

But evidently, that just wasn’t enough for Donnie.

It seems as though Trump wanted to keep riding that high of his as long as he could. So, naturally, he stuck a MAGA rally on the schedule the day after the last leg of the RNC, where he officially accepted the nomination as the 2020 Republican presidential candidate — amid a pandemic that’s still raging through this country pretty much entirely thanks to him, no less.

And folks, while we haven’t had to endure one of these thinly-veiled KKK rallies in a while now, it’s pretty safe to say that they haven’t changed much.

Trump is still the same ole insane, self-centered, racist, disgusting piece of garbage we’ve all come to know and positively despise, as are his rapid, mouth-foaming supporters.

But with all that’s going on in this country at present time, as we try to survive what’s left of this guy’s term and fight tooth and nail to avoid another, Donald certainly has even more material to work with.

It didn’t take long at all for him to focus his rant on the BLM protesters that are still filling the streets of this nation from coast to coast.

Donald has long been operating under the rhetoric that these people aren’t protesters, exercising their Constitutional rights, but rather “thugs” who are out to destroy America — because that’s what racism looks like, and we all know Donnie Boy is king of the racists.

However, in an effort to get in a burn against the protesters, Donald popped off with something I can only describe as painfully awkward and downright weird.

Take a look:

Yup. You heard that right. Donald Trump evidently doesn’t talk about his ass.

I gotta tell ya, if I had an ass like that, I wouldn’t talk about it either.

Featured image via screen capture

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