Trump During Pandemic Presser: “People Will Be Very Happy To Get A Big Fat Beautiful Check And My Name Is On It”

Oh, my Lord.

601 points

Raging narcissist Donald Trump’s name will appear on checks sent to Americans to fight against the economic fallout from the spread of the massive coronavirus outbreak in a last-minute Treasury Department order. That decision reportedly caused delays with many checks going out, and that set off a firestorm of attention. Trump seems to want the public to think the checks are coming from him, but the stimulus money is paid for by taxpayers. People like you and me.

After lashing out at the previous administration while huffing and puffing at the podium on Wednesday, Trump was asked about his name appearing on the checks that Americans need to survive amid the pandemic.

“Why did you have your name added to coronavirus relief checks?” a reporter asked.

Trump responded, “Well, I don’t know too much about it, but I understand my name is there … I’m sure people will be very happy to get a big fat beautiful check and my name is on it.”


OK, first off, it was Stormy Daniels who got a big fat check from Trump. A measly one-time payment of $1,200 is not a “big fat check,” and it’s taxpayer money. Also, again, it is not coming from Trump’s bank account. Tens of thousands of Americans have lost their lives to what Trump previously referred to as a Democratic “hoax.”

And I’d be wary of any check with Trump’s name on it since he stiffed New York contractors. More than 28,000 Americans are dead, and the economy is in the shitter, so Trump decides to delay the stimulus checks reaching the public because he needs his ego massaged. Unemployment numbers are through the roof because this president failed to act promptly when he first learned of a looming pandemic.

But hey, did you hear about how many Facebook followers he has?`

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