Trump Gets Major Surprise As He Arrives In Mar-a-Lago To Play Golf, Residents Ruin His Weekend

This is classic!

586 points

It definitely wouldn’t be the first time that Donald Trump had his weekend ruined by the residents of Palm Beach, Florida, and this proves that it will not be the last.

This weekend, the president once again fled his presidential duties and went to his golf resort in Mar-a-Lago to waste more taxpayer money playing golf, watching television, and trash talking on Twitter. But unfortunately, the president’s plans for relaxation were instantly ruined by the brave protesters in the area, who decided to greet the president with signs about how much America hates him. The Palm Beach Post reported of Trump’s arrival:

A few hundred people lined Southern Boulevard to watch the motorcade, with Trump supporters outnumbering opponents. Near the Southdale Shopping Center, two people hoisted a red ‘Trump 2020’ sign while a man held a ‘Welcome Fascists’ sign and other signs read ‘Impeach the Russian Asset,’ ‘Liar’ and ‘NRA Trump Kills Our Kids.'”

While it’s always nice to hear that Trump won’t be able to fully enjoy himself thanks to the protests from his pissed off constituents, there’s another detail about this golf vacation that will make you sick. Apparently, during his golf vacation, Trump is going to have major fundraisers for the Trump Victory Committee.

It’s never been more clear that Trump’s weekends are solely all about him — he’s using them to blow off his responsibilities in the White House and to raise money for his own interests instead of serving the American people. This man does not deserve to be president.

Featured image via screen capture
