Trump Gets Snippy With Acosta After He Asks POTUS About Health Officials Contradicting His COVID-19 Claims

Gee, Donald, ever try thinking of the country for a change?

597 points

Donald Trump spoke to reporters with his arms crossed after a meeting with Wall Street bank CEOs that happened as stocks plunged again, sending the Dow Jones into “bear market” territory at its close on Wednesday. In Trumpian fashion, the president — just after the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled the deadly coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic on Wednesday — used his juvenile “fake news” schtick when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked a reasonable question.

“What do you say to Americans who are concerned that you’re not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don’t match what your health experts are saying?” Acosta asked.

“That’s CNN. Fake news,” Trump shot back.


Acosta followed up on Twitter to say: “Tried to ask Trump to respond to Americans who are concerned he’s not taking situation seriously enough and that his statements don’t match what health experts are saying. He did not answer the question.”


Schools are shutting down, businesses are hurting, and even New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade was canceled for the first time in more than 250 years over concerns about the potentially deadly coronavirus. Sports teams will be playing with no audience in the stands. Senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden have canceled rallies while Trump has refused to do so. People are dying, but Trump seems unconcerned.

Acosta offered a legitimate question and was shut down by President Chucklefuck simply because Trump wants to gin up his base while attacking the press. Also, since Trump can’t answer Acosta’s simple question. The public has been issued disinformation, and sometimes outright lies from this White House, including from Trump himself. Instead of soothing the public in a calm manner, the 73-year-old president acted like a child with his arms crossed while yelling, “fake news!”

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