Trump Hits Full-On Dictator Mode As He Considers Having The DOJ “Investigate” His Opponents

This is really scary.

576 points

Donald Trump is more desperate than ever to take the pressure off of himself. Especially now that the dirty secrets surrounding his tax returns have been exposed, the president is looking for yet another way to distract America from his flaws.

Yesterday, Trump stated that he feels it’s completely “appropriate” for him to talk to Attorney General Bill Barr about investigating his potential 2020 rival, former vice president Joe Biden. Trump told Politico that “certainly it would be an appropriate thing to speak to him about, but I have not done that as of yet.”

This happened right as Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he’d be going to Ukraine to discuss the possibility of continuing investigations that would benefit the president with officials — yet another move that makes Trump look guilty. Now, people are wondering if the Trump campaign is trying to get a foreign government to assist his quest for re-election.

Giuliani has since canceled his trip to Ukraine because he felt he was walking into a “setup” — but mostly because his announcement got a ton of backlash. Giuliani said:

No trip because I believe I was walking into a bunch of people, one of whom already has found to be involved on this, and I think this was a setup.”

Barr, on the other hand, is already under scrutiny for his attempts to protect the president and his refusal to cooperate and hand over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full report. When Barr was asked about launching an investigation, he said:

I mean there have been discussions of, of matters out there that, uh… they have not asked me open an investigation.”

Trump’s search for a distraction away from himself continues and only looks more pathetic as the days go by. His options are few, and he seems to know it.

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