Trump Ignores His Own DHS Officials, Moves Forward On His “Rejected” Plans For Immigrants

Someone needs to stop him.

589 points

Donald Trump has a habit of doing whatever the hell he wants and ignoring the experts — and his tendency to do what he wants without any consideration of the consequences very often results in embarrassment for everyone.

Earlier today, Trump sent out a random tweet which confirmed a Washington Post report that the White House had proposed retaliating against lawmakers in sanctuary cities by releasing detained immigrants exclusively into their municipalities as a way to punish these politicians for opposing his racism. If that weren’t problematic enough, the president did this by going against his own officials, who stated that idea was no longer an option.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the proposal that Trump was posting about today “was a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion.” There should be no reason why the president is revisiting the idea, fully knowing that he’s going against his own DHS officials, but he still tweeted this:

Now it could be that the president didn’t remember the fact that the plan was shot down — we all know that Trump has been in mental decline for years and yet the Republican Party is ignoring the fact that he is probably in the early stages of dementia. Or, it’s highly likely that the president just decided to do his own thing despite the fact that his plan was decided against — which is even more terrifying.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), has called Trump’s announcement “another notion … that he is unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disrespectful to the challenges that we face as a country, as a people to address who we are a nation of immigrants.” We couldn’t agree more.

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