Trump Is Now Peddling Christmas Stockings Covered In His Own Face For A Hefty $50 “Donation” And Americans Just Can’t Hide Their Repulsion

How embarrassing.

631 points

Former President Donald Trump has reduced himself to selling Christmas stockings to his cult-like followers for a donation of at least $50.00. Trump, of course, sent the message out on Twitter through his spokesperson Liz Harrington to circumvent his ban on the behemoth social site after the former president incited the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection. In October of last year, Trump claimed that Joe Biden would cancel the Christmas season if he’s elected. Well, President Biden is in office now, and Christmas is right around the corner. I’m starting to think that Donald is a liar.

However, I would cancel it if I had to celebrate with a Christmas stocking with an image of the twice-impeached one-term president’s face emblazoned across it. Can you imagine idolizing a politician so much that you go to the extreme of plastering his image on a Christmas stocking to hang over the fireplace?

“We’ve NEVER offered Trump Christmas Stockings before and we expect them to sell out FAST,” the donation page reads. “Once they’re gone, we will NOT restock.” Then it gives you the options of the amount to donate, starting at $50.00 while the $250.00 button is flashing.

What a creepy idea:

Twitter users piled in.

I’ve never seen a president hawking Christmas stockings with his image on it before. These genuinely are weird times.

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