Trump Made His First Media Appearance On Fox News To Eulogize Rush Limbaugh, Spews Election Lies

He just can't stop himself.

585 points

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative commentator whose fiery rhetoric inflamed the partisan divide, has died at age 70. The racist language that he was long come to be reviled for has finally come to an end. And, of course, Donald Trump gave Limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom even though the right-wing has degraded women, slammed female activists as “feminazis,” and insisted that “Feminism was established so that unattractive, ugly broads could have easy access to the mainstream.” He also referred to Chelsea Clinton when she was 12-years-old as a dog. And that’s just the shortlist.

And so, it seems fitting that Donald Trump eulogized Limbaugh during his first media appearance since the deadly insurrection on Jan. 6.

“He was special,” Trump said, then went on to recall that he had given the incendiary radio host the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “Rush is irreplaceable. He had an audience that was massive.”

“He was a fantastic man, a fantastic talent and people, whether they loved him or not, they respected him,” he added. (Fact check: No, he is not respected by his critics.)

And then, of course, Donald Trump went on to repeat lies about the 2020 presidential election that he lost to Joe Biden in both the electoral and popular vote — because he can’t stop himself.

“I was disappointed by voter tabulation; I think it’s disgraceful,” Trump said. “We were like a Third World country on election night with the closing down of the centers and all of the things that happened.”

“And he was furious at it,” he said. “And many people are furious. You don’t know how angry this country is. And people were furious.”


Yeah, well, that’s just another example of the Big Lie that Trump spread that led to the deadly insurrection. Unfortunately, Republicans refused to hold the former president responsible for inciting the MAGA mob to storm the Capitol. And that’s how we got here. And now, Trump is continuing to do the very thing that tore this country to pieces on Jan. 6. Trump will never change, and he will only get worse after he sustained such a massive narcissistic injury.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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