Trump Makes A Fool Of Himself In Front Of Justin Trudeau, Tries To Explain That Unmanned Drones Don’t Have People In Them

Could someone just tape his mouth shut already?!

584 points

Donald Trump is an idiot. It’s not even speculation anymore. That is a cold, hard fact if ever there were one. But what makes it that much worse is the fact that he’s an idiot who thinks he’s a genius. That often leads to him spouting from the mouth about complete and utter nonsense, usually in front of someone important.

That’s precisely what happened today during a joint press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when Donald attempted to speak about the drone that was recently shot down by Iran.

According to our big, smart president, unmanned drones are, well, unmanned — a unanimously accepted fact that he evidently still felt the need to share because it’s one of the only thing he actually knows for certain. This is him trying to sound educated.

“Iran made a big mistake,” Trump stated regarding the subject. “This drone was in international waters, clearly. We have it all documented. It’s documented scientifically, not just words. They made a big mistake.”

He went on to add that he doesn’t believe that the decision to shoot down the drown came from the Iranian government in Tehran.

“Are you ready to go to war with Iran?” a press member called out.

“You’ll find out. Obviously, we’re not going to be talking too much about it. They made a very big mistake,” Donald continued to threaten.

“I think probably Iran made a mistake,” he later continued. “I would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down. Fortunately, that drone was unarmed. There was no man in it and there was no — it was just — it was over international waters, clearly over international waters, but we didn’t have a man or woman in the drone. We had nobody in the drone. It would have made a big difference, let me tell you. It would have made a big, big difference. But I have a feeling, and it may be wrong and I may be right, I’m right a lot. I have a feeling that it was a mistake made by somebody that shouldn’t have been doing what they did. I think they made a mistake. I’m not just talking the country made a mistake. I think somebody under the command of that country made a big mistake.”

Seriously, the only thing that the president of our country has a fucking clue about is the fact that unmanned drones don’t have people in them. And this is the guy that controls the big, red button.

You can watch the clip here:

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